Friday, April 10, 2009

Original Impressionist Painting

" Light Revealed"
original acrylic impressionism on Masonite
8x10 image, 12x10 including frame
I am hoping to continue listing a painting a day, in this series of framed impressionistic paintings. With my art shows fast approaching it may be difficult, we shall see. The Masonite is gessoed with a brush, so it leaves some hairlike brush strokes. That combined with more brush strokes from the actual painting process and it's a lively little painting.


  1. Love your palette choices. The deep wine sky really enhances the glow.

  2. Thanks,it's alway interesting to me also. Because the color isn't something I really think about. It just kind of happens. If I decide it is going to be green. I pick a green, put a little where I want it. Then I think in terms of, it needs to be lighter, darker, warmer, or cooler. I change it until it feels right. I am never actually trying to make it any particular color. It's like magic!
